when my mom passed away, she had emails in her inbox that went unanswered because we didn’t have any passwords. no one likes to talk about passwords before we pass away, but these tools can help make things easier for your loved ones to manage your digital life.
you’ll be doing your family members a favor if you take the time to assemble the information that everplans recommends. this site will help you create a personalized list of tasks and resources that you own in all kinds of corners of the internet and beyond, such as financial information, medical records, online accounts and legal documents. everplans also lets you write letters to loved ones that will be sent after…well… you know.
a subscription to everplans is $75 per year, but cake has a robust free version. the site walks you through all the documents and decisions you need to make to keep things in order. the name is a little weird, but it does have great reviews.
what sites and apps do you use to help keep your affairs in order and what makes them great? share with us in the comments!