11 ways to boost billings and impress clients

businesswoman walking up stairswin-win-win: stand out from the competition, serve the client better and put more green in your bank account.

by sandi leyva
the complete guide to marketing for tax & accounting firms

as you build your relationships with your clients, it’s always a good thing to see how you can serve them even better.

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here are 11 ways you can add value to your existing services, which will enable you to stand out from the competition, serve the client better and put more green in your bank account.

as you go through the list, check them off to see which ones you are doing, and which ones sound good to add to your business.

1. offer add-on peace of mind services.

if you are in the information business, offer to run or set up a backup system, store a backup of what you just did, or otherwise keep copies of your work so that the client does not have to worry about recovery issues. if you offer products, this may translate into an insured package that can be tracked and monitored. what kind of safety net can you think of to create for your clients?

2. leave a cheat sheet behind.

when i was in college taking statistics, the professor allowed us to bring in one sheet of paper and we could write anything we wanted on it. you should have seen how tiny i could write. for the final, i wrote every formula down from the whole course. the sheet was literally covered from top to bottom with all the magic formulas from the world of statistics.

if you are in software sales or training, leave your client with a laminated shortcut list or handout that will help them fast-track their learning curves.

3. return calls and emails within a specified time, such as 3-4 hours.

one way to offer a higher level of service is to set and announce service-level metrics on tasks such as returning client phone calls. in a call center, one measure that’s similar is called the average speed of answer. define the metrics that will add value for your clients, set the values and announce them as part of your services.

4. offer follow-up troubleshooting.

once you’ve performed your services, a client might have some follow-up questions. define the post-project access they will have to you in your initial contract.

5. offer a guarantee.

do you guarantee your work? spell out your return policy so it’s clear up front. the more liberal you are, the more your prospect’s trust level will go up.

6. require a signed contract.

when you submit a written agreement for a client to sign, not only is your insurance company happier, but your business looks professional and structured to your prospect. a contract communicates business strength and expertise.

7. set goals with the client ahead of time so expectations and direction are not assumed.

ask the client exactly what they want and put their exact words down in writing. after you’ve completed the project, pull the clients’ words out and ask them if they are happy with the result. this reinforces that you’re “on their side,” helping them meet their goals.

8. communicate your intangibles.

let clients know about things you do for them that they can’t tangibly see, such as your commitment to continuing education, maintaining certifications or expertise, etc.

9. offer 24/7 on-call support.

some industries like retail and restaurants keep long, hard hours. if you can be available to them in their hour of need, then you are more valuable to your client than someone who is less available.

10. provide scheduled access such as taking calls at a certain time each day.

can you be available to clients every monday from 10 a.m. to noon? having instant access to you during certain hours is another way to transfer value to clients.

11. pick up the phone.

most of us routinely give new strangers 30 minutes of our time free in exchange for the goal of offering our services. we should do the same thing periodically for existing clients. reach out via phone or email and offer clients a free no-obligation call once a quarter, twice a year or whatever works for you.