ruthlessly efficient workflow management

work smarter, not harder.

by frank stitely
the relentless cpa

for years, i’ve written angry-man blogs flogging cpas and tax preparers for not treating their practices like businesses.

more stitely: what the value-pricers get wrong  |  four amusing millennial myths  |  the annual tax meeting is dead. clients killed it.   |  3 rules for asking great tax-return questions  |  where workflow management runs off the rails  |  three ways your office tech is ruining your firm  |  when value pricing works  |  the 4 dark clouds hovering over cloud accounting software  |  value billing on the 19th hole  |  the irs and big data gone bad  |  will zero data entry end your tax practice?  |  three trends that will transform your tax practice or eliminate it  |  value, billem & dunn: a value billing case study  |  how to make an extra $72,000 by working smarter  |

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i coined the term “ruthlessly efficient workflow management” to promote the marriage of project management and delegation.

these firms all saw the value of efficient project management.

they saw the value of including clients in their workflow processes.

they saw the value of preparing for the future.

but i might have had better success teaching trout to sing the national anthem.

does my failure mean i’m going to be less sarcastic and mean? certainly not. as popeye said, “i yam what i yam.” but now, i understand why firms fail to change and improve. firm leaders are not blind or incompetent. they are trout singing the national anthem.

they are experienced tax preparers, but they’re woefully inexperienced at running efficient businesses. they got into the business to provide incredible service to clients, but now they’re trout standing on the yankee stadium turf waiting to sing before the game. the cpa biz changed, and they’re now fish out of water.

success no longer depends on dutifully data-entering w-2s and 1099s into solo workstations. turbotax killed that market. success now means managing thinning profit margins on more complex returns. success means harnessing electronic data flows in the cloud. success means providing a great client experience – maybe not on a disney world level, but certainly way above what we provided 20 years ago.