‘selling’ isn’t a dirty word

don’t like selling? call it something else.

martin bissett
martin bissett

by martin bissett
winning your first client

being a successful person according to your own measurement of that, and your own goals and your own standards, is different for everyone.

if you’re comfortable with yourself, it’s very likely that others will be too. if you understand the value that you offer (how you can improve a client’s situation to move them closer toward their personal and professional aspirations), you’re likely to be able to convey that value in front of a prospect.

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more on selling: selling vs. attracting to build relationships | when selling, don’t chase new fees, attract them | selling accounting services doesn’t have to be hard! | ‘selling’ isn’t a dirty word | 8 factors in practice development success | in sales, perception is reality | success begins with accountability | do you realize you’re failing? | winning your first client

that’s a huge part of successful business development that is not often talked about.