seven ways that marketing helps you retain clients

woman reading something on computer screen

how connected to your firm do they feel?

by august j. aquila
price it right: how to value accounting services

if you have any doubts about marketing’s role in retaining clients, this post is for you. i will show you how marketing plays a crucial role in retaining clients by building and maintaining strong relationships, reinforcing trust, and demonstrating ongoing value. here are seven ways in which marketing contributes to client retention:

more: is pricing a marketing function? | develop your personal marketing plan in ten steps | what makes a great website? | four strategies for building your practice | market technology services through workshops and training | service quality: the key to client retention | calculate the cost of losing clients | the secrets of great business developers | dodge the four curses of a production orientation | client acquisition never stops | ‘sales’ is not a four-letter word | three types of marketing message, and which is best | five tips for cross-selling and upselling
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  1. communication and engagement: effective marketing ensures regular and meaningful communication with clients. it keeps them informed about the firm’s services, updates, industry trends and relevant insights. this engagement helps clients feel connected, valued and more likely to continue working with the firm.

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is pricing a marketing function?

ten steps to designing your pricing strategy.

by august j. aquila
price it right: how to value accounting services

yes, pricing is indeed a fundamental marketing function. it plays a crucial role in determining the value of a product or service in the eyes of customers and has a direct impact on a company’s profitability and market positioning. pricing decisions are typically made based on various factors such as production costs, competition, target market, positioning strategy and customer perceptions of value.

more: develop your personal marketing plan in ten steps | five ways to make partners fall in love with marketing | losing can help you win more | eight areas to cover for personal goals | service quality: the key to client retention | how life cycle changes your marketing | clients buy solutions, not features | make sure you know what you will get from your marketing | three pillars support a successful accounting firm | clients have six reasons for needing you | six ways to market your technology consulting practice | sixteen marketing activities to try
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here are a few reasons why pricing is considered a marketing function:
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develop your personal marketing plan in ten steps

woman working on laptop in office setting

are you a trusted resource?

by august j. aquila
price it right: how to value accounting services

let’s face it, achieving the firm’s goal is everyone’s responsibility. it cannot be delegated to a marketing director or a handful of rainmakers.

more: five ways to make partners fall in love with marketing | analyze your firm to keep it current | three more strategies for growing your practice | understand the 10 steps of the buying process | calculate the cost of losing clients | eleven possible pitfalls of mergers | six ways to expand your client services checklist | four questions for choosing your marketing audit strategies
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everyone has his or her own style, strengths, weaknesses and objectives when it comes to marketing and bringing in new business. a personal marketing plan gives you the opportunity to take responsibility for

  • developing a referral network,
  • obtaining new business from existing and new clients, and
  • increasing your personal balance sheet by developing new marketing and communication skills.

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five ways to make partners fall in love with marketing

three businesspeople meeting outdoors and shaking hands

it’s an age-old problem, but that doesn’t mean you have to accept it.

by august j. aquila
price it right: how to value accounting services

if only there were a silver bullet to solve this problem! but unfortunately, there isn’t one.

more: analyze your firm to keep it current | what makes a great website? | four strategies for building your practice | market technology services through workshops and training | the secrets of great business developers | dodge the four curses of a production orientation | client acquisition never stops | ‘sales’ is not a four-letter word | maybe what you need is a marketing audit | three types of marketing message, and which is best
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getting partners to market and to love doing it has been the achilles’ heel of the accounting and consulting professional for as long as i can remember. what does it take to make progress in this area? here are some ideas to help you move forward:
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analyze your firm to keep it current

six people seated at table for a business meeting, with another six people visible on videoconference screen

does everyone have the same vision?

by august j. aquila
price it right: how to value accounting services

i have discussed some of the issues behind developing an effective website. if your partners can’t agree on the overall points of the website, it merely means that there are different visions for the firm within the firm. the best way to overcome this obstacle is to conduct a self-analysis.

more: what makes a great website? | losing can help you win more | eight areas to cover for personal goals | service quality: the key to client retention | how life cycle changes your marketing | clients buy solutions, not features | make sure you know what you will get from your marketing | three pillars support a successful accounting firm | clients have six reasons for needing you | six ways to market your technology consulting practice | sixteen marketing activities to try | the four steps of your personal marketing process
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you can use the following questions at a firm retreat. hand out the questions to the retreat participants prior to the meeting. ask the retreat participants to write out the answer to each question. then have open discussions about the questions and their answers, and try to come to some agreement. here are the questions:
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what makes a great website? 

two women looking at a screen as they design a website

nine things to ask as you build.

by august j. aquila
price it right: how to value accounting services

don’t kid yourself: creating a great website takes a lot of time and creative talent. websites must also be constantly updated with new material.

more: losing can help you win more | three more strategies for growing your practice | understand the 10 steps of the buying process | calculate the cost of losing clients | eleven possible pitfalls of mergers | six ways to expand your client services checklist | ten questions to refine your successful marketing plan | four questions for choosing your marketing audit strategies | four steps to a successful email marketing campaign
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if you plan to update your current website or prepare one for the first time, or if you plan to do it yourself or just hire a marketing communication specialist with website-building experience, make sure you have clear answers to the following questions:

  • who is your target market? accounting firms usually have more than one market they are going after. consider how your various markets will find themselves on your site.

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