down by 400,000 returns – the end of tax prep?

red alert: tax professional e-filings drop by 0.5% year-to-year, first year-to-year decline ever.

final irs stats for busy season 2020 shows professionals filed 0.5% fewer returns than last year and lost market share to diy’ers.

busy season barometer:
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by beth bellor
卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

in what may be an alarming turning point for the profession, tax practitioners finished an already chaotic and bruising tax season 2020 after preparing a total of 73.8 million e-filed returns – a decline of 400,00, or 0.5 percent, from tax season 2019 – the first such reversal on record. ever.

jon baron

more on tax season 2020: say hello to the new 24-month busy season | when covid ‘got real’ | tax pros hold efiling market share as tax seasons winds down | the top six irs #fails this tax season (so far) | how covid has pulverized irs operations | the mystery of 10 million missing tax returns | covid cuts accounting profits | why busy season may never be the same again | covid tests accountants’ entrepreneurial talents | pro tax prep stalls to a crawl amid covid-extended season | clients, revenues, profits – trending down, down, down |

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“if you are in public accounting and relying on personal return revenue, the results this year are troubling as it is the first time that professionally prepared returns actually fell from the prior year,” says jon baron, the longtime ceo of thomson reuters tax & accounting, and now a venture capitalist with more than a couple startups in stealth mode.