today's features

we’re honored. thank you

“卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 is a key source of insights, data and actionable intelligence for hundreds of thousands of accountants around the world… a major platform for thought leaders to share bold insights, innovative ideas and, not infrequently, audacious challenges to the status quo in the profession.” – accounting today

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

the much-watched accounting today ranking of the “top 100 most influential people” lists 49 members of the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 community – authors, contributors, advisors, and commenters – among the elite 100, including founder and ceo rick telberg.

“thank you to accounting today for the recognition. we’re honored,” telberg says. “but, most of all, thank you to the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 community, who make it all possible and to whom we gratefully dedicate this distinction.”

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encourage desirable behaviors through metrics

man's hands holding small keyboard with stylized metrics floating above

three leading indicators for your firm to move toward.

by samantha mansfield

the saying, “we manage what we measure” is a phrase we have heard many times, but how often do we reflect on the way we manage those measurements?

more: five ways to head off reluctant leadership | you need capable successors for a seamless transition | generosity: the root of great leadership
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we use measurements and metrics daily in our personal and professional lives to achieve results. we use them to track progress and success, but what we may not realize is how much these measures influence our behaviors. as much as metrics can foster positive actions, they can also create bad ones, or even bad habits.
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how top rainmakers win clients | gear up for growth

doing great work is no longer enough to ensure client retention.


sponsored by “turbocharge your profits: how to thrive in the new economy,” by frank stitely, cpa, cva  – see today’s special offer

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gear up for growth
with jean caragher
for 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间

in a rapidly shifting business landscape, professional services firms face increasing pressure to develop new business while maintaining client loyalty. in a recent gear up for growth episode hosted by jean caragher of capstone marketing, guest matt dixon shares insights from his forthcoming book, “activator advantage: what today’s rainmakers do differently.” dixon, a founding partner of dcm insights and a renowned sales researcher, detailed how top-performing professionals distinguish themselves through proactive engagement and strategic relationship-building.

gear up for growth spotlights the best strategies for smart and efficient growth in today’s competitive landscape. more gear up for growth every friday heremore jean caragher here | get her best-selling handbook, the 90-day marketing plan for cpa firms, here | more 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 videos and podcasts here

dixon’s research, based on a study of nearly 3,000 partners in professional services firms—including accountants, lawyers, and consultants—identifies five distinct business development profiles:

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what millennial managing partners face

man seated at laptop talking on phone

plus six tips for those aspiring to the role.

by marc rosenberg
the rosenberg practice management library

cpa firm managing partners often serve for long periods of time. a tenure of 20 to 25 years is not uncommon. for managing partners to serve that long, they command the unwavering respect of the partners, often cling to old practices and, toward the end, may not be the visionary they once were.

more by marc rosenberg
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.


when a new managing partner takes over, this presents the firm with tremendous opportunities to change and improve the firm. the worst mistake is for the new managing partner to carry on just like their predecessor.
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bissett bullet: give me one good reason

today’s bissett bullet: “one reason why accounting professionals find it difficult to sell is that they rarely give a reason to move that the prospect cares about.”

by martin bissett

so much of the profession is focused on fee and service and the prospect, if moving to you for your fee and service, will really only care about those two matters. that is not a trusted advisor relationship. a trusted advisor creates the outcomes that the prospect wants to see in their lives. that is what separates superior accounting firms from the rest of the pack.

today’s to-do:

when reading your most recent proposal document from the client’s perspective, what was the compelling reason for them to sign up? what did you show them that they couldn’t walk away from?

see more bissett bullets here

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remembering peter margaritis: applying the art of improv to accounting communication

‘everyone here is a superhero.’

peter margaritis on the disruptors with liz farr, originally published in 2023 here

by liz farr

the accounting world lost a great man on march 20, 2025, when peter margaritis passed away unexpectedly at age 64. i first met peter in the fall of 2018, when he gave the keynote for the new mexico society of cpas’ annual pride in the profession luncheon. i introduced myself to him while he was fiddling with his earpiece and microphone shortly before his talk.

margaritis obituary heremore liz farr here

“everyone here in this audience is a superhero. if i can make you aware of it, then you’ll use it for the greater good for yourselves, your organizations, and your community,” he told us during his keynote. the superhero power skills he was speaking about are our abilities to communicate financial information to our clients and the world at large.

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how accountants are talking politics without polarization | transformation talks

politics affects tax laws, compliance, and financial decisions. we can’t afford to ignore it.”


sponsored by “turbocharge your profits: how to thrive in the new economy,” by frank stitely, cpa, cva – see today’s special offer

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transformation talks
with donny shimamoto
center for accounting transformation

politics and business have always been intertwined, but today’s climate of deep division presents new challenges for accounting professionals. whether discussing tax policy, compliance, or broader economic issues, accountants often find themselves in conversations that can quickly become contentious. 

more transformation talks exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

in a recent episode of transformation talks, host donny shimamoto, cpa.citp, cgma leads a discussion with brian tankersley, cpa.citp, cgma; ron baker, cpa (inactive), and amy welch, apr, cae, on how accountants can navigate political differences while maintaining professionalism, respect, and productive dialogue. 

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radically change your pricing model: a q&a

insights on engagement, value, billing and more.

by jody padar
radical pricing – by the radical cpa

what’s your value proposition? if you increase your price, how will it enhance your services?

more by jody padar
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.


changes of this magnitude come with lots of questions. from pricing models to client pushback to determining value, the following are answers to questions received related to pricing strategies for accounting and advisory services.
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tax pros edge diyers in e-filings

table of irs filing data

refunds average around 5 percent over last year.

by beth bellor

can you say paperless? only 2.7 percent of individual income tax returns come into the internal revenue service by paper anymore, and only 3 percent of refund recipients request paper checks.

more: tax refund totals up 7% | tax pros handle 46% of e-filings | tax refund totals up 10% | tax refunds plummet, but no worries | tax refunds up 18% early on | first tax filing reports are in
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.     


the agency received 70.4 million individual income tax returns as of march 14 – the latest data available – down 1.7 percent from the same period in 2024. it processed 69.6 million returns, down 1.4 percent.
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art werner: tax chaos in washington | tax issues update

what do tax pros need to know about the uncertainty in washington?

sponsored by “turbocharge your profits: how to thrive in the new economy,” by frank stitely, cpa, cva – see today’s special offer

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quick tax tip
with art werner
cpe today

with tax season in full swing, cpas and tax professionals are juggling client returns and a rapidly shifting tax landscape. in the latest quick tax tip, art werner joins rick telberg of 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 to dissect the state of tax policy, irs challenges, and how accountants can turn uncertainty into opportunity.

click here for more art werner 

from looming irs layoffs to the evolving role of technology in compliance and planning, this conversation is packed with insights that every tax practitioner needs to hear. here are the biggest takeaways:

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nine business development metrics to measure

businesswoman in wheelchair meeting with potential client

plus seven mistakes to avoid in winning new fees.

by martin bissett
passport to partnership

like it or not, the 21st-century accountant is in the relationship-building business.

more by martin bissett
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.


when a qualified accountant learns the art of developing those relationships in such a way as they empower the practice to be able to forecast its new fee income each year, the accountant becomes a profit center and their value to the firm increases tenfold.
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two types of tax review and how to use them

woman reading document at desk

let color-coded tick marks be your friends.

by frank stitely
the relentless cpa

one of your roles as ceo is reviewer. there are two types of review: primary and secondary.

more by frank stitely
goprocpa.comexclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.


depending on the size of your firm, you may only have primary reviews. if your firm consists of you and a preparer, you won’t have a second level of review. i don’t consider the self-review as a review step. i consider it part of preparation.
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richard roppa-roberts: collaboration over competition | the disruptors

find your community; find your people.

this is a preview. the complete 1-hour video episode, with commentary and transcript, is first available exclusively to pro members | go pro here
sponsored by “turbocharge your profits: how to thrive in the new economy,” by frank stitely, cpa, cva – see today’s special offer

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the disruptors
with liz farr

richard roppa-roberts created roundtable labs by accident.

he had just started his consulting firm, quasar cowboy, “and i had one spot available for a new client, and i had nine prospects, and i didn’t know what to do,” roppa-roberts explains. “i was new at this whole thing, and i’m like, well, i’m gonna put them all in a room together and see what shakes out. and what shook out was the first cohort of roundtable labs.”

more podcasts and videos: ira rosenbloom: m&a numbers are easy – culture fit is hardroman villard: ditch the suit & shinemonique swansen: align firm values with servicestina mcgill: how to create lasting client impactstefan van duyvendijk: develop operational mindsetsteve evans: why traditional hiring methods fail | roger knecht: can you be an accountrepreneur?beth whitworth: focus on outcomes not hours |mike sylvester: learn to say nosalim omar: identify your client’s $100,000 problem | jackie meyer: earn more with fewer clients | jack fleherty: don’t be a ‘yes’ person | greg adams: from finance to storytelling | the disruptors | jody padar: make radical changes now if you want to be relevant in 2030 | rebecca driscoll: amplify reach by helping other firm owners | rory henry: create the return on relationshipsmike maksymiw: be the leader you wish you had | exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

that spontaneous decision evolved into a thriving community of more than 300 members that’s been running for more than 11 years. roppa-roberts positions himself not as the expert but as what he calls “the keeper of the circus.”

roundtable labs is a place where accountants and bookkeepers can talk to others and find practical solutions to their problems, where they can discover they’re “not the only one” with a particular problem. “there’s a lot of what i call talking heads that are out there espousing this is the way to do it,” roppa-roberts notes. surrounded by often conflicting information and struggling to implement new ideas, roundtable labs members share what’s worked for them and collaborate to find workable solutions. roppa-roberts observes that “almost all discussions lead to pricing, contracts, and confidence.”

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