being a partner is great! have you told your staff?

womand and man seated side by side at table in front of laptop, hanging plants in background

don’t assume they know how good you have it.

by marc rosenberg
cpa firm staff: managing your #1 asset

conveying to staff why it’s great to be a partner at a cpa firm is one of the weakest areas of partner performance. it’s also a best practice for managing staff.

more: what it takes to get a promotion in accounting | generational differences can’t be ignored | eight strategies for recruiting | training? cpe? they’re not the same | what leadership looks and feels at cpa firms | the importance of great bosses | why staff leave cpa firms … and how to stop them | how accounting staffing has changed
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true story

we worked with a five-partner firm on the east coast on succession planning. the partners were all in their late 50s and 60s and two or three of them planned to retire in the next five years. they were wrestling with a tough decision: do we merge into a larger firm as our exit strategy or do we/can we gradually turn the firm over to our three managers, all of whom have the talent and experience to be a partner? they dreaded the former option and preferred the latter.