today’s bissett bullet: “what are the biggest fee growth challenges firms are facing?”
by martin bissett
firms may experience fee pressure because of increased competition for new work. they may be perceived as too expensive or even too cheap. those firms that have been reliant on long-term clients at some point will find themselves with an ageing client base.
when you’re apathetic about winning new business proactively, that ageing client base ultimately results in unmitigated fee loss.
in other cases, there is the potential complacency among older or less ambitious partners for new fees and the responsibility for fee growth weighs heavy on the shoulders of a small number of younger partners.
those who are able to identify and overcome their fee growth challenges are the most likely to win new clients.
today’s to-do:
identify 4 challenges that you experience in terms of fee growth. for each, write just 1 or 2 suggestions as a possible solution.