create a culture of audit quality assurance

man in office writing notes at desk

get a better result in less time.

by alan anderson, cpa
transforming audit for the future

for way too long, many firm leaders have equated quality in their audits with making it through the peer review process. peer review is important, but making quality all about that is like the american car executives whose production lines needed a guy with a rubber mallet at the end of the production line to make sure the door fit right. that’s quality control.

more: what quality in audit leadership means | business-minded approach helps build a better firm | are you looking at the big picture? | meet your client all year, not just during audit | give your audit teams tasks that increase business acumen | are you using the right business model? | give advice while remaining independent | stop mixing up your v’s and losing your best people | empower your team by dumping c and d clients | the new formula for an accounting business | how to upgrade c and d clients | eleven types of audit clients and which to fire | don’t risk losing good employees for bad clients | can a service center model solve audit staffing shortages? | don’t take on audits in an industry you don’t understand
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quality assurance is making the guy with the rubber mallet irrelevant. the first-time right mindset is taking the japanese approach and making sure the door is designed so it fits correctly from the beginning.

quality control is at the end. quality assurance starts at the beginning and continues throughout the entire process. it’s not a one-time event.