jobs outlook: strong and steady growth in hiring and earnings for u.s. accountants

cornerstone study forecasts smooth advances in both employment and salaries for accountants through 2031

cornerstone studies by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research provide decision-makers with a strong, data-based set of sharp insights, useful reference points, and actionable intelligence.

explaining the talent shortage in one big chart

trends and forecasts

  • job market: the accounting job market is robust, with a projected growth of 6% through 2031.
  • salary trends: salaries have been increasing, with significant pay bumps in recent years.
  • shortage of professionals: could lead to more competitive salaries and enhanced benefits.
  • the post-staffing era: 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 defines the shifts the profession will inevitably take as it evolves beyond today’s staffing shortage.