exceptional teams are key to high-net-worth practices

six businesspeople in meeting around tablehow to build and manage them.

by russ alan prince

in serving the wealthy, polymaths do not exist. one individual cannot possibly have the knowledge, skills and wherewithal to deliver the diverse array of solutions the wealthy need and want; consequently, an exceptional team is required.

more: four keys to an elite wealth management team | four core principles of elite wealth management | what the wealthy getting wealthier means for your practice | does wealth management make sense for your firm? | create family dynasties and add value, roi | is elite wealth management right for you? | why accountants fail at wealth management
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your ability to surround yourself with high-caliber professionals is often essential to building a very successful high-net-worth accounting practice. you not only have to identify the specialists with whom you need to work, but you also need to manage the relationships between your experts and your affluent clients.