succession planning spells success

older man pointing out something in a document to a younger colleaguethink it’s too early? think again.

by august j. aquila
what makes a great partnership

it’s no surprise to anyone thinking about retiring or selling a practice today that the number one issue they face is finding someone to take over the practice. there is a definite shortage of buyers and those who are buying are becoming more and more selective. many firms will find that it has now turned into a buyers’ market.

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there are still a few exceptions out there. first, if you happen to be a very profitable firm in a major market you are lucky. firms will continue to seek you out. second, if you have a very strong niche market presence you can be an attractive acquisition candidate. however, if you are an average firm in a secondary or tertiary market, selling the practice will take more work and time.

here are some ideas to help you plan your succession.