free to buyers of the first edition.
卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 is pleased to announce the updated version of a practitioner’s guide to the ira distribution rules under the secure act by seymour goldberg is now available for sale in the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 shop here.
- buyers of the first edition, issued last year, can pick up the new edition for free, using as a discount code the last word on page “i” of the edition they already own.
the new guide includes a 42-page supplement that covers many of the changes in the retirement distribution rules that every accountant dealing with iras must know. the proposed regulations were issued on feb. 23.
the new regs take up only 275 pages, but they are maddeningly complex. “a slipup in not knowing the rules can have adverse irs penalty tax consequences,” warns author goldberg.
“as a practitioner, you must know the rules that apply to your own retirement accounts, including iras. the rules have changed significantly regarding the payout period that applies when your heirs inherit your ira account(s).”
the supplement includes many examples of how the rules work. and it covers the new irs penalty waiver rules regarding the 50% penalty.
“when a client asks you to help him or her figure out how the rules work, you need to be able to respond to the inquiries. many of the rules are extremely difficult to comprehend and a simple reading won’t do. you must dive into the details to find the pitfalls and the opportunities,” goldberg says.
pop quiz: five questions
the answers to some seemingly innocuous questions can be devilishly treacherous, says goldberg, who poses these among the top five:
1 – what rule applies if the ira owner dies before his/her required beginning date having the estate as the beneficiary of his/her ira account?
2 – what rule applies if the ira owner dies before his/her required beginning date having a designated beneficiary as the beneficiary of his/her ira account?
3 – what rule applies if the ira owner dies on or after his/her required beginning date having a designated beneficiary as the beneficiary of his/her ira account?
4 – are any of the rules retroactive if the ira owner died before january 1, 2020?
5 – are beneficiaries of inherited ira accounts subject to the irs 50% penalty for the failure to receive timely required minimum distributions?
the answers, of course, can be found in the new practitioner’s guide to ira distribution rules under the secure act [updated & expanded].