don’t assume they see the benefits.
by gary bolinger
not long ago, i was in a firm meeting with several partners and senior managers. the plan for the meeting was for me to provide an update on current and emerging issues facing the profession and firms. the issue of succession planning came up (as it frequently does). i had been scanning the room to attempt to determine who was really tuned in and who was just warming the chair they were sitting in.
more: clients: what accountants don’t understand | why accountants fail at consulting | advisory vs. low-value clients | what + who leads firms to better service | how accountants are profiting in disruption | ask the right question(s) | seven elements of engagement for cpas | true advisory work isn’t just consulting
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a senior manager had caught my attention because he seemed intent on learning and understanding what was shaping his chosen profession. so, i took the opportunity to bluntly ask if he was interested in being an owner in the firm. i got a raised eyebrow from some of the partners. they obviously thought i was asking a question with a rather obvious answer. but …
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