the 4 traits of great cpa leaders

key leadership attributesdo they have these attributes?

by anthony zecca
leading from the edge

as the leader of the firm, as important as it is to complete a comprehensive assessment of your leadership team, it is equally if not more critical to assess your own leadership. what are the key leadership attributes that reflect great edge leadership?

more on edge leadership: assessing your firm | the 4 traits of great cpa leaders | why leaders must ensure clarity | incremental vs. exceptional success | do you lead or just manage? | managing vs. leading | is your leadership team at the edge? | 6 leadership challenges through covid and beyond | edge leaders share 7 strengths | leadership must drive culture | leading from the edge
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how can you get a meaningful and comprehensive assessment of how well you are doing as the leader of the firm? the trap to avoid is to just listen to yourself and your own self-assessment. to really understand how well you are performing, you need multiple checkpoints.