how to overcome the mind-blocks holding you back from total success.
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with steven sacks
the new fundamentals: thriving in disruption
professionals need to use a blend of psychology and strategy to guide them with both mental fitness and tactics to produce career breakthroughs, executive coach nancy fox tells steven sacks.
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in business, the mind is 95% of the game, according to fox, so it’s essential to recognize the causes of mindset blocks that are encountered, such as competition and business development, and what their impact can be.
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key takeaways:
- leaders may not understand the nuances or fundamentals of mentoring and cultivating talent. as such, they find the biggest impediments to be themselves.
- the conscious mind is where our thoughts are directed in such areas as logic, strategy, memory, learning, data analysis. however, 95% of our thoughts are directed by the subconscious mind, and only 5% by our conscious minds.
- the subconscious mind is where the inner game of work, career, and life is really won — or lost.
- there are some strategies you can use to train your mind to prepare yourself to experience an outcome and imagine ways to achieve that outcome.
- in addition to training your mind to block negative thoughts and experience only positive thoughts, there are physical techniques that can be used.
nancy fox is the founder and president of the business fox, a business consulting and training company specializing in guiding law, accounting, and service business firms grow through smarter networking and business development and niche marketing strategies.
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