most of them are easier than you might think.
add your voice to comments: what’s working for women in the profession? and what needs more attention (especially this year when issues like this get pushed to the lowest priority)?
by sandi leyva
did international women’s day come and go again in your firm without much fanfare? that’s ok because you have the entire month of march to not only celebrate women’s history month but also to make some history of your own.
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here are several ideas you can implement immediately that will each take one small step toward advancing women.
1. allow women to contribute first in meetings and classrooms, and don’t interrupt them.
a study from george washington university showed that men interrupt women 33 percent more often than they interrupt other men.
guy kawasaki, a successful tech mogul now retired, makes it a point to call on women first in all of his business interactions. it’s time, and it’s a great extension of being a gentleman.
2. help redesign the world to include women.
much of the world was designed with the larger male body in mind. this includes so much, from kitchen counters that are unreachable without a stool (i’m 5’4” and shrinking) to seat belts and airbags adjusted for male-sized test crash dummies that endanger women, to pharmaceutical and medical products based on studies by scientists who used male test subjects to avoid women’s monthly cycles.

if you’d like to become more aware of this to better understand how your daughters, wives, moms, co-workers and subordinates fit into today’s world, read caroline criado perez’s invisible women: data bias in a world designed for men.
3. choose women for speaking, writing, mentor, and leadership opportunities.
a study called “gender diversity & inclusion in events report” reports that only one-third of speakers across more than 60,000 events over a five-year period from 2013 to 2018 were women.
make your own history by adding more women speakers to your stages. it makes the event that much more interesting, and will probably increase your event attendance. also seek out more women authors to publish, just like 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 is doing by posting this article.
to make women mentors more visible, read and share the story about a woman head of state or a woman who has won a nobel prize. have each person in your office take a day to showcase a woman in their life on your blog or social media accounts.
4. go through your payroll ledgers and fix the pay inequity between women and men in your company. now.
in 1991, my boss and i literally did this at a fortune 1000 company for our department. it was shocking what we found – women earning $30,000 to $40,000 less than men in the same position. and we fixed it. some women got $40,000 raises that year. that’s what you have to do.
in my first job at a large company, a man was hired at the same time i was for the exact same position at $3,000 more per year. he ended up getting fired after three months while i was promoted in three months, so i got the last laugh, but if he hadn’t, and we both had gotten the same promotions over the next 10 years, the difference in our salaries would grow every year, and i would have never caught up. that’s why we have to fix this all at once and not incrementally.
5. call out bad behavior when you see it.
make it a safe place for everyone in your organization to call out bad behavior right when it happens. you can give people a catchphrase to say, such as “what you just said or did disempowered me.” this will help to make others aware of their behavior so they can change.
you’ll probably need the training to help unaware employees understand what’s acceptable and what isn’t. this training should go beyond the more common sexual harassment training.
include women’s empowerment in performance criteria during an employee’s performance review. whenever you want the behavior to change, there must be an ideal to aspire to and consequences if it is not reached.
finally, for people who just won’t change but who are still valuable to the firm or not easily kicked out, limit the scope of their influence so they don’t adversely affect the culture you are trying to build.
6. partner with or support women.
select women-owned businesses for clients, suppliers, joint ventures, and partnerships.
donate or volunteer for an organization that supports women and girls.
share a movie or tv show produced by women with your office/network.
ask your wife, daughter, mother or sister how you can help them reach their life goals.
make some history of your own not only throughout the month of march but all year long. i only have about 10 years left in my career, and nothing would please me more than to see major progress before i retire.
add your voice to comments below: what’s working? and what needs more attention in our profession (especially this year when issues like this get pushed to the lowest priority)?