pandemic highlights value of digital files

post with two signs, "same" and "change"cpe and training needs are evolving.

by roman kepczyk

last year’s extension to july 15 made for a very drawn-out busy season but did allow firms to shift resources to assist clients with ppp loans and other compliance. second, the move to remote/cloud was forced rapidly and pointed out the advantage of firms already utilizing cloud vendors and hosting providers as their transition was seamless.

more: pandemic lesson: innovate faster | remote work success helps solve staffing shortages | firms face business realities | more complex work = higher fees, right? | you like being remote, but what about your clients? | remote work is more productive
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third, the difficulty and caution in physically meeting firm members and clients face to face forced adoption of virtual solutions such as zoom and microsoft teams and pointed out the value of having a digital workflow tool as well as the importance of having all files in a digital format accessible remotely.