futurist jack shaw explains how blockchain is changing the way cpas practice.
with steven sacks
solutions to results llc
the economist magazine describes blockchain as the most important advance in business record keeping since the innovation of double-entry bookkeeping, in florence, italy in over 500 years. but now, blockchain may eventually even replace double-entry bookkeeping.
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six key takeaways
1 – we will see more business being reflected in blockchain-based transactions.
for the next five to 10 years, we will see in many industries, especially among mid-size and larger companies, an evolution toward most or all of their routine business transactions taking place on the blockchain. general ledgers will start including a column to indicate whether a particular transaction is eligible to be verified on the blockchain, or has been verified if it hasn’t been completed, but would still be eligible.
2 – cpas will be less focused on the after-the-fact confirmation auditing of routine business transactions.
instead, as companies evolve to blockchain-based business processes and models, the cpas’ responsibilities will be to advise them on the design and implementation of those systems and processes and provide advisory services not only about general financial management but also about how they can leverage blockchain and related technologies.
3 – different types of taxes that are relevant and appropriate to various types of business transactions will begin to be collected, recorded, and collected on a real-time basis moving forward in the future.
the irs is already looking at what the implications of this are for both income and other kinds of governmental taxes. state and local governments are looking at how they might be able to leverage the reliability of blockchain-based accounting systems to collect information on actual payments of various types of taxes in real-time.
4 – because so much will be automated, the value cpas will be able to add is to also assist clients in making sure that their systems and processes are able to be forward-looking, and are looking at decision processes that can statistically project forward data where it’s valid to do so.
5 – there’s a whole ecosystem of blockchain solution providers, blockchain-enabled participants.
there are all the various different direct trading partners of organizations. in a supply chain, there may be manufacturers, transportation carriers, logistics companies, third-party logistics companies, third-party warehousing, organizations, distributors, and retailers.
6 – in many countries, national governmental regulators that are involved in leveraging blockchain technology see the information so that they can do their regulatory job of making sure that all the participants, all the organizations that are involved in their area of regulatory authority, are complying with relevant laws and regulations.

about jack shaw
jack shaw is an innovation and change management consultant, who has been voted one of the world’s top 25 speakers and one of the top 5 technology futurists. jack integrates his executive experience in industry, technology, and consulting to speak on innovation, change management, and transformational leadership. and, he has decades of experience designing, developing, and implementing emerging technologies and how these will impact business and society.
jack has advised key decision-makers at such fortune 500 organizations as mercedes benz, bosch, ge, coca-cola, johnson & johnson, ibm, oracle, and sap. jack has delivered over 1,000 keynote presentations and executive forums in 26 countries and every state across the u.s. he is a yale university graduate and holds a kellogg mba degree specializing in finance and marketing.
jack’s expertise is in the strategic impact of leading-edge technologies, including blockchain technology, 5g, the internet of things, and artificial intelligence. he can be reached at https://jackshaw.io