by anthony glomski and russ alan prince
your $5-million high-net-worth practice
the everyone wins process is at the center of how you can maximize wealthy client relationships. most often, this is a function of aligning interests. the process is also core to generating new business from these clients and other professionals. the ability to add value often plays a significant role in being referred by other professionals to their best clients.
more: product-neutral or product-inclusive? | the family office model | guiding clients through covid | help your referral sources become thought leaders | the new way to get the best clients | maximize referrals from wealthy clients | what the wealthy want | the four-step process for client-focused business development | building a high-net-worth practice during covid-19 | the essential process for building a high-net-worth practice | what the wealthy need | setting financial and practice goals
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at the same time, there are many different ways to frame your conversations based on the self-interests of the wealthy to optimize their financial worlds and accelerate results. stress testing is one of those ways.
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