thursday, oct. 29: building a $5 million high-net-worth practice, with russ alan prince and anthony glomski
guidelines for sourcing and working with the wealthy during the covid-19 crisis and beyond. get the special pro member rate.

with russ alan prince and anthony glomski

thursday, oct. 29, 11 am et

4-hour intensiveworkshop with one-on-one coaching / attendance limited to 10 seats

(sorry, no cpe)

in this masterclass, we will show you how you can build an individual high-net-worth accounting practice generating at least $5 million a year. let us look at the four main components of your $5 million high-net-worth practice…

conviction + process + expertise + the covid-19 crisis =
$5 million high-net-worth practice built quickly

conviction: with a solid accounting practice generating $2 million annually, a large percentage of accountants would be happy hitting this revenue level. if that is all you want and you are not yet there, it will likely be very easy for you to reach the $2 million level by implementing the processes and methodologies we will detail. but, if you really want to reach for the stars, know that catching them is also possible.

process: this is how you source wealthy clients and maximize client relationships. we are providing a highly actionable, methodical approach you can readily implement to enable you to become significantly more successful, focusing on the wealthy. it is called the everyone wins process.

expertise: your technical proficiencies are your expertise. it is encapsulated in the business model of your high-net-worth practice. your business model is a business decision. one possibility is a family office practice, which we will detail. there are other possibilities we will also be discussing.

the covid-19 crisis: all the processes methodologies we will be explaining work in any business environment. however, the covid-19 crisis has accelerated the opportunities for you to deliver value and simultaneously build a $5 million high-net-worth practice. we will explain how to make the crisis work to your professional benefit.


this masterclass is divided into two sessions.

  • session 1: group education: a 4-hour live online education program where we will explain the powerful processes you need to master to build a $5 million high-net-worth practice. we will also address the different business models available to you.
  • session 2: individualized coaching: russ and anthony will work with you individually in this 2-hour online session to apply the processes and methods addressed in session 1. this session is customized to what you want to focus on.

the masterclass is intense and highly interactive. therefore, attendance is limited to 10 participants.

when you finish the masterclass, you will…

• have clearly defined business goals that can enable you to build a $5 million high-net-worth practice.
• have a more precise picture of the nature of the wealthy clients you can best serve, and which cohorts will be most lucrative for your practice.
• understand the everyone wins process and how you can use it to source wealthy clients effectively. you will also know how to use the process to maximize revenue-generating opportunities with wealthy clients.
• determine the optimal business model for your high-net-worth practice. there are several possibilities. we will discuss some of the business models making the biggest impact, including establishing virtual family offices and product-inclusive business frameworks.

included in your registration fee is a copy of the soon-to-be-released book: your $5 million high-net-worth practice: guidelines for sourcing and working with the wealthy during the covid-19 crisis and beyond ($250 value)

this masterclass will fill up quickly.