marketing plans and why you need one

maze with word "plan" at the centerhow it differs from a strategic plan.

by marc rosenberg
the rosenberg practice management library

sorry for those of you who have absolutely no interest in football, but a marketing plan is as important as a football team’s game plan for the week. it’s a blueprint for how to win the game: how much passing versus rushing, working on the opponent’s weaker players by name, running left versus right, short passes versus long passes, who plays on which plays, and so on.

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a marketing plan is a comprehensive written document outlining

  1. the firm’s practice development activities within a set time frame
  2. goals and action steps necessary to achieve the firm’s targeted revenue growth
  3. the best use of the firm’s resources
  4. the partners’ preferences in terms of what they are willing and not willing to do. examples: how active the partners agree to be in selling and advertising, use of internal personnel rather than relying on outsiders like marketing consultants, and whether they prefer to be generalists or specialists
  5. a budget for the firm’s investment in practice development activities