provide more effective client services. make more money. have more fun.
with ed mendlowitz
accounting firms learned a lot the hard way during the 2019 busy season. from under-trained staff to tech glitches to continuing tax law ambiguity, it’s time to take a breath, cool tempers, and reflect on what needs to be improved.
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thursday, jan. 16
9am pt, 10 am mt, 11am ct, 12pm et
1 hour, 1 cpe
don’t make any major changes in your firm (especially about staff) until you hear the advice in this session from tax season veteran and process expert ed mendlowitz.
you’ll learn:
top five problems firms struggled with this year and how to overcome them
what implementing tcja taught us about running an accounting firm better
tips on how to manage client service under the tcja
what to focus on to generate new fees off-season from pushing 2020 tax season work into 2019 – 16 services you can perform
how to train, manage and supervise tax staff the right way
how to make your tax practice more efficient and effective
in this session, ed will cover 12 broad categories with over 150 bullet points. he’ll share client experiences as well as his 13 fun quotients.
you will pick up ideas to provide better service to clients, make more money and have more fun!