8 ways comp systems get partners to do what the firm needs

stylized industrial 3d number 8is your firm’s message clear or cloaked?

by marc rosenberg
the rosenberg practice management library

years ago, a senior partner at a 12-partner firm retreat i was facilitating gave us all an “aha” moment: “a partner compensation system is just a way of allocating income among the partners. it’s not meant to be the primary way to manage a firm.”

more: 7 points of a well-crafted partner buyout agreement | take yoda’s advice on strategic planning | buyers name 20 big merger turnoffs | smart tech tips from top cpa firms | 15 amazing organizational tactics to manage a cpa firm | why governing by partner ownership is bound to fail | 6 ways to retain nextgen staff | how to develop a truly progressive nextgen culture | the top 5 concerns of great managing partners | partners: when to speak up and when to shut up
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there are two messages here, one obvious and one that is deeper.