cas: from zero to profit in 90 days [free webinar]

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free webinar to unveil the results of client accounting services survey.

join 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 expert author hitendra patil for a complimentary one-hour webinar (with 1 free cpe credit) addressing some of the most common cas questions accountants are asking, and some fundamental common answers that can make your cas practice successful.

cas: from zero to profit in 90 days

wednesday, july 31, 2019, 2:00 pm et.

cost: free. one free cpe credit.

attendees will also receive a free, proprietary “cas-fit client assessment wizard.”

click here to register or learn more

as a professional accountant, if you are yet to develop your client accounting services (cas) practice or make it highly profitable and successful to the levels you desire and deserve, it likely has nothing to do with you.

what is it then? we asked accountants. they gave several answers. and they asked more questions about cas.

fresh insights are emerging from cpatrendlines’ new survey, “client accounting services: trends, issues & opportunities.” (join the survey. get the answers). it is possibly one of the most responded cas surveys, ever, with 3,771 (and counting) accountants responding to the survey. to receive a free topline executive summary of the survey results, join the survey.

given the pace of technological advances in the accounting profession, it has never been easier to be profit from fast-growing and highly successful cas opportunity. cas doesn’t require a lot of resources, high-cost technology, decades of long experience, or specialist people. it doesn’t require you to be a great orator, a sales magnet, a marketing maven or a highly recognized expert.

the survey reveals that firms of all sizes see cas as a need to stay relevant in business. if you are an accountant looking to stay more relevant to your clients’ evolving needs, what are the top questions that you must ask (and know the answers) about client accounting services (cas)?