hello, irs? anybody home?

portrait of an angry man yelling on the phoneone solution is modeled on 311 service.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

here’s the understatement of the day, if not the century, from the tax advocacy service’s annual report to congress 2019:

taxpayers often have difficulty locating irs personnel who can provide accurate and responsive information regarding their cases

we’d be tempted to say, “well, duh” if it weren’t such a serious issue.

more: wanna change the tax world? | tax season 2019 serves up a taste of the future | the big free-file flop | survey: busy season goes sour | taxpayer advocate slams congress over funding
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how serious? as the tas report points out, “although taxpayers are required by law to pay their duly owed taxes, they are also the agency’s ‘customers.’ the agency’s failure to adequately engage these customers cannot cause taxpayers to take their business elsewhere, but it will jeopardize the voluntary compliance on which the u.s tax system depends.”