ruthlessly efficient workflow management

work smarter, not harder.

by frank stitely
the relentless cpa

for years, i’ve written angry-man blogs flogging cpas and tax preparers for not treating their practices like businesses.

more stitely: what the value-pricers get wrong  |  four amusing millennial myths  |  the annual tax meeting is dead. clients killed it.   |  3 rules for asking great tax-return questions  |  where workflow management runs off the rails  |  three ways your office tech is ruining your firm  |  when value pricing works  |  the 4 dark clouds hovering over cloud accounting software  |  value billing on the 19th hole  |  the irs and big data gone bad  |  will zero data entry end your tax practice?  |  three trends that will transform your tax practice or eliminate it  |  value, billem & dunn: a value billing case study  |  how to make an extra $72,000 by working smarter  |

exclusively for pro members. log in here or 2022世界杯足球排名 today.

i coined the term “ruthlessly efficient workflow management” to promote the marriage of project management and delegation.