more than 50 items to get off to a good start.
卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research
planning for tax season is an important step in both optimizing profits and managing the professional liability risk associated with providing tax services,. pre-tax season training of personnel and proactive review of administrative procedures will improve efficiency through april 15th and beyond.
part 1. what to do now… before the big rush
- 4 ways to help clients prepare
- 5 steps to review e-file requirements and processes
- 4 ways to update engagement letter processes
- 3 must-do’s to review client acceptance and continuance procedures
- 8 steps to prepare the firm for tax season
- 5 ways to help staff prepare for tax season
part 2. what to do during busy season
- 11 items to cover in a pre-tax season staff meeting
- 15 things to include in a control log
- 4 things to remember when testing tax software
- 8 things every tax preparer should do for each client
- 4 ways to better plan for deadlines
- 2 keys to survival