cpa careers driven by duty, sabotaged by guilt

businessmen miserable over errorguilt is one of the most damaging emotional obstacles you throw in front of yourself.

by bill reeb, cpa

when i talk about guilt and duty, the examples i share can sound similar. however, the distinction to me is that duty is what you feel before you make a decision or take an action, and guilt is what you feel afterward.

more: duty: a tough hurdle to overcome | fear stifles you in every way | change the way you think | let go to get unstuck | investing in loss | you might be your biggest obstacle | what to stop may be more important than what to do | stop wishing your life away | don’t let inertia determine your direction
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for example, i feel a sense of duty to protect my daughter, and i would feel guilty if she were hurt badly because i would imagine everything i should have done to better protect her (even if what i imagined would be unreasonable to expect).