lead generation marketing must happen daily

man writing on a calendarchecklist: essential marketing tasks in 31 minutes a day.

by jassen bowman
tax resolution systems

the most successful small business owners embrace the fact that new lead generation marketing is a daily activity. if you don’t have a full-time marketing manager, then you, as the business owner, need to take this task upon yourself. you should spend time marketing your tax practice every single day, even during tax season.

more: checklists for new lead generation | don’t ignore your existing leads | some office nuts and bolts | the importance of goals and affirmations | the ins and outs of hiring and firing | market to your ideal clients
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don’t use the busy times of the year as an excuse to slack off on marketing if your goal is to grow your business. there are busy times during most of the year – february, march, april, june, july, august, september, october – all of these months have unique deadlines and seasonal peaks. this is ¾ of the year!