by bill reeb
inertia can be like drifting, which actually describes what many people do. what i mean is, many people just do more of what they did yesterday to keep afloat, or robotically attempt the next incremental step forward from where they are right now. it is as if they are treading water working hard throughout life and just letting the current take them wherever it is going.
more: know where you are running to | refining desire | what does ‘getting stuck’ or ‘being stuck’ mean? | let go of what you think you know | roadblocks from people with good intentions | 3 ways to get ‘unstuck’
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the breakdown in this approach is that it presumes you are exactly where you want to be right now, and that the current is going in the direction you want to go. overachievers often find themselves in this predicament: working hard treading water going with the current without a clear direction in mind.
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