managing partners only: advanced sales & marketing work group

卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 contributor jean caragher has opened enrollment to a new managing-partner-only peer-group on business development and marketing.

“it costs 400% more to close an unreferred prospect versus a referred prospect,” says caragher, ceo and founder of capstone marketing. the new online working group is designed to help managing partners “generate more referrals from your network.”

the capstone community pulls together managing partners interested in education and collaboration regarding cpa firm marketing, growth and client retention. to encourage accountability and execution, each managing partner is encouraged to participate with another member of his or her firm.

each capstone community will meet 13 times over a 15-month time period (no meetings in march or december):

– monthly one-hour group webinar/online meeting
– monthly one-hour individual coaching call

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