includes criteria for promotion to the next level.
by marc rosenberg
on staffing
let’s address the four most common positions at a cpa firm: staff, senior, manager and partner.
more on staffing: generational differences: truth and fiction | the how and why of upward surveys | don’t underestimate communication with staff | why firms can’t afford not to develop women partners | 8 recruiting strategies: how many are you using? | 6 keys to advancement programs | guidelines for flexible work policies | staff need meaningful recognition | survey: 97% of leading firms now offer flexible work arrangements
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there is no such thing as a standard job description for these four positions. each firm must define them in ways that make sense for its specific situation. if ever there were job descriptions that should have flexibility built into them, most certainly they would be cpa firm positions because the expectations vary as much by the type of assignments they are given as by their title.
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