parsing substitute, expenditure, fairness and other effects.
by sandi leyva and michelle long
with ed kless, senior director of partner development and strategy at the sage group
many of you offer a fixed price on many occasions, which is fantastic.
more small firm growth strategies: your time has no inherent value | what is strategic pricing? | marketing vs. sales and how to plunge in | 5 steps to get clients to say ‘yes’ to cloud applications | when you should answer questions for free | when to turn over client data files | how to handle referrals – and how not to | 3 ways to raise your prices
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what you’re doing now is maybe just fixed pricing and not value pricing, and the key here is we’re going to make this jump now. now that you made the leap to fixed price it is a very easy jump to value pricing. i’ll quickly describe the difference for those of you who might not have fully fleshed this out in your mind.
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