survey: accountants’ best advice for president trump
‘don’t screw this up.’
by rick telberg 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间
suppose you could have president donald trump’s ear for just five minutes—just the two of you in the oval office, and him eager to hear and heed your advice…
what would you tell him?
floridian deborah budaj says, “i would discuss the timeline and plans for removing the burden of obamacare from businesses, and also from individual healthcare plans.”
martin j. rooney would like to see some assistance for the hoi poloi: “we need to find meaningful work for the non-college educated people. it may require some form of government subsidy and hence taxes may need to rise, but without work, the forgotten people have no hope. they are not participating in the u.s. dream.”
on the off-chance that he might call in a cpa for some pragmatic and unbiased counsel, 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 asked just such a question in our survey on the presidential election of 2016. as it turns out, cpas are prepared for their summons to the oval office. they have opinions. they know what needs to be done. they aren’t necessarily in agreement, but if duty calls, over 1,000 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 members are prepared to proffer presidential pointers.