are you an ostrich or a giraffe?
by lee eisenstaedt
leading with courage academy
there are leaders of cpa firms who think everything is right with the world, from their client relationships to their people.
how do they know for sure? well, they don’t. there’s been no study or feedback or hard data to go on. based on their years of experience, they just know…somehow. it’s the rare ones who have conducted a client survey to uncover festering problems they are unaware of. however, many choose to close themselves off from the truth and continue to operate in the same fashion as if nothing were happening.
then there are those firm leaders who have a clear view of what is working well and what is in dire need of improvement. this type of leader understands that if left unaddressed the urgent problems will remain and, in all likelihood, result in operational breakdowns. this may involve serious costs to the firm.
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