there are three strategies. use what you want, but learn them all.
by sandi leyva and michelle long
the ultimate accounting virtual conference

i’m super jazzed to introduce ed kless, who’s going to be discussing the fundamentals of strategic pricing.
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he is the senior director of partner development and strategy at the sage group. he’s also the co-host and author of the soul of enterprise. he developed and delivers curriculum for sage consulting academy, business strategy and workshops related to customer experience. he’s also a senior fellow at vera sage, which is where ron baker teaches pricing to firms in our industry.
kless: we’re going to review the fundamentals of strategic pricing. what i’ve found fascinating about the subject of pricing is for as complex as it is, there are only three basic strategies. we’re going to review what those are and talk about where one might use one over the other and why they’re important to know. even if you don’t prescribe to one or the other or only ever use one strategy, it’s important to know what the three are.
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