this requires as much planning as any other firm endeavor.
by becky livingston
the accountant’s social media handbook
there are two schools of thought when it comes to employee advocacy programs:
- those that enable, increasing reach and participation, and
- those that must be contained due to regulatory considerations, such as in the financial services, legal, insurance or medical professions.
more on social media: how to set your firm’s social media foundation | 10 steps to creating employee brand advocates with social media | what ‘social sentiment’ is and why you should care | what a ‘community manager’ does | how to set up a social media plan | tailor content to social media platform | which social media should you use?
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regulated professions, such as financial services, must follow certain guidelines when leveraging social media methodologies to promote the organization or firm. in this case, leveraging tools and technology to help listen and to monitor what is being said, commented on and shared by employees is extremely important. security is the foundation for this model.
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