make sure the current information is available where people look for it.
by roman h. kepczyk
quantum of paperless
many firms today maintain contact information within multiple applications such as practice management, outlook, tax systems and other marketing and crm (customer relationship management) programs.
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too often, a significant amount of time is wasted in firms pulling contact information together, reconciling and verifying lists for mailings, invitations, and even organizers. it is critical that firms centralize the updating of contact information for consistency.
“91 percent of firms have a centralized contact management list; 67 percent of firms maintained this list in their practice management application.” – cpafma 2015 survey
for example, tax personnel, who are often the first to be made aware of a change, may make the change within their tax program and not pass the change to others. all changes, from every source, need to be sent to administration where one person can update all databases for consistency. many firms utilize a client contact form on their intranet that can be routed to the administrative department via email. this person is then trained to update all applications.
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