the formula: straight talk, no gimmicks.
by steven klinghoffer
wpi communications inc.
marketing rules and tactics for accountants are often different from those for product and service marketers. because reputation is everything for accountants, their most effective marketing programs use a dignified tone—and a modest frequency. moreover, the audience for tax and accounting services tends to be averse to gimmicky messages.
no matter how rapidly the marketing world changes—how quickly our tactics and tools evolve—some things remain the same: quality content that educates and otherwise has an impact is certainly not outmoded. nowhere is that truer than in the marketing of professional services—and it is a key driver of the ongoing relevance and effectiveness of newsletter marketing.blogs, emails, and newsletters are everywhere, but they are not all created equal. the good ones inform clients or patients and build brands for the professionals who distribute them.
here are seven ways and reasons newsletters–when executed properly–work exceptionally well for services professionals, even today.
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