be specific to help everyone walk the talk.
by august j. aquila
what makes a great partnership
after trust, the second building block for a successful partnership is having shared values. it does not mean that partners are clones of one another, but partners agree upon the firm’s shared values, on how they are going to treat each other, the clients and the employees. shared values are what bring a group of individuals together to achieve something that they could not achieve individually.
more on great partnerships: great cpa firm partnerships begin with trust | are you driving your best partners crazy? | 7 warning signs for your firm | the checks and balances your firm needs | don’t weed out the roses | back to basics: 25 ways to grow your practice | 3 ways to halt a poor leader | 8 questions that staff ask in a merger
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the concept of core or shared values gets a lot of press and most professional service firms’ websites promote their core values to prospects, clients and recruits. but, like so many management ideas that are on the soft side, shared values are often more talk than reality.
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