world envies low u.s. tax rates on luxury real estate transfers

another reason global capital is finding a haven in u.s. assets.

by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 research

the u.s. is the envy of the world in the low tax rate applied to real estate transactions, according to a new study by uhy, the global network of accounting firms.
“the united states has one of the lowest tax rates in our study,” says dennis petri of uhy advisors. “the low level of tax enables homeowners to move more freely from city to city and now, the u.s. is seen as having enviable labor market mobility.”

the study shows taxes on “prime” real estate transfers average 0.6 percent in the u.s., or $6,000, far lower than the global average of 3.3 percent ($33,038) for properties worth $1 million, according to the study.