increased monthly billings to augment once-a-year tax work.
how to stay competitive:
join the survey; get the results
by rick telberg
this year’s tax business is done; mostly, anyway. now it’s time to buckle down and do what cpas – and only cpas – are built for: accounting, financial reporting, compliance, auditing, attestations, and, of course, the host of consulting services that range from business valuation to internal controls.
more on trends in professional development: top cpe trends: how accountants are re-tooling | ohio cpa society teams with 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 to improve cpe roi

preliminary results from a survey being conducted by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 in conjunction with the ohio society of cpas and consultant michael ramos show that about 42 percent of accountants are making accounting and financial reporting a top priority, second only to taxes, and almost twice the rate for two dozen other pursuits.
julie lepper at lepper & company llc, which works with a lot of agricultural professionals in greater pinckney, mich., says upcoming efforts will be in accounting, reporting, practice management, internal control, and tax matters. “these are areas of particular interest to the direction of our firm,” lepper says. “we want more monthly accounting clients, so we want to take classes related to that area that might give us some tricks and updates. we are also want to help clients with process and internal controls.”
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