you have to spend the money and time, so make it worth your while.
today’s top cpe priorities:
join the survey; get the answers
by ed mendlowitz
the 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 practice doctor
question: i received a call from an accountant with some questions about a foreign-owned client of his. he had the client for 15 years and seems he did not file a ton of required disclosure forms.
more practice doctor q&a: what’s lousy, the client or your approach? | too much paper, too many drives | 34 ways to make more money | why this help wanted ad is all wrong | the six rules to get the most out of cpe | why credentials are worthwhile | i made partner, now what?
in the course of our discussion it turns out he never took a cpe program or even read an article on the topic. the question here is why didn’t he?
to read the full article