individual work plans, overseas assignments among company’s offerings for employees.
by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 staff
the cpa profession has to make itself more relevant – to both its clients and its workers – to thrive through the rest of this century, according to charles weinstein, chief executive officer of eisneramper, one of the profession’s largest firms with more than $300 million of revenues projected for all 2015.
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“short-term, we need to make the profession cool,” he says. the “cool” in this case applies to the profession’s workforce. “a lot of it has to do with providing work-life balance for our employees, and that means more than just addressing their parenting or family issues,” he explains. “it also very much concerns meeting the needs of millennials and other younger-generation workers, whose concept of work and life in many cases is that they will work hard when that’s needed and expected of them, and then want balance for the rest of the time.”
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