without commitment, strategic planning is a waste of time.
by domenick j. esposito
8 steps to great
when an initial draft of the strategic plan has been agreed to by your initial strategy think tank, the next step requires you to expand the process to all the partners. this can be a very painful process, but it is a healthy one that must take place. it creates buy-in and will clarify who is on the bus and who isn’t.
more on strategic planning: as tax season ends, strategic planning seasons begins | the big eight: harsh realities for firms today | seizing the $10 trillion opportunity | learning to ‘run with the big dogs’
lots of good things happen in this phase of the strategic plan. a number of your partners, who may be questioning if this firm is the firm that they want to be part of as they build their careers, will begin to see that your merely good firm is trying to transform itself into a mid-market sustainable brand.
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