‘beyond compliance to actionable insight and forward-thinking solutions.’
by 卡塔尔世界杯常规比赛时间 staff
the ever-increasing commoditization of traditional services such as tax preparation, accounting and audit makes it crucial for accounting firms to discover methods for increasing the value they bring clients, according to blain heckaman, managing principal at kaufman rossin cpas in miami.
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“accounting firms need to think beyond compliance to provide actionable insight and forward-thinking solutions to clients,” says heckaman, who joined kaufman rossin in 1984 and was named managing principal in 2012. james kaufman, one of the founders, remains ceo. the company’s $73.9 million in revenue last year ranks it among the nation’s top 100 firms.
kaufman rossin is beefing up its ability to add value for clients by increasing its expertise in its client industries and adding new services. in march, for example, it became an implementer and consultant for intacct, the cloud-based accounting and enterprise resource planning application.
kaufman rossin also offers consulting on intuit quickbooks, designed for businesses that generally would be considered smaller than the small and mid-sized businesses that use intacct. by adding intacct, the firm can offer its quickbooks clients an optional application to transition to as their operations grow.
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