how to prepare for the first meeting with a new prospect

businessman leaning against carand 4 questions to ask yourself afterward.

by martin bissett
business development on a budget

you’ve done all the marketing to bring new opportunities; you and your partners are confident in the value you need to offer; your pipeline is filled out and you have done your a.c.c.o.u.n.t.s. so what’s next?

more on business development: the five fastest ways to kill a new opportunity [video] | use this spreadsheet to evaluate prospects | before the sales meeting | lowballing is undervaluing yourself | do you have a pipeline or just a list? | overcome recurring fee apathy | 5 ways to make selling easier to swallow

now you need to go and meet with the prospect for the first time. this is a huge step forward, but many professionals also find the first meeting a challenge. that challenge can be overcome by having a system in place and following it.