take the focus off price

red dollar sign label3 other ways to differentiate yourself.

by sandi leyva
the accountant’s accelerator

i hear more accountants grumbling every day about how price-sensitive their prospects and clients have gotten. and they are right, to a degree. the economy has caused even the rich to count their pennies, and the percentage of people who look at a price tag before they buy has increased over the last five years.

more on small-firm growth strategies: stop thinking small | 5 solutions when clients balk at price | make your services an investment, not an expense | 9 ways to boost your value (and your fees) | 9 ways accountants throw away profits | 9 ways to increase sales through ‘power networking’ | 5 things you know that clients don’t | 3 ways to test your revenue forecast

yet studies show that roughly 54 percent of buyers are not price-sensitive, and i would be willing to bet even more are selectively price-impervious depending on what they buy: women’s shoes, men’s cars, personal services, jewelry, vacations, cosmetics and hair, to name a few exceptions.